Manchester United is one of the best football teams. They have millions of fans all around the world and everyone of them is a different person, but one thing brings us together – we all love and support this team. While United has a large, dedicated following, there are a small lucky few who live in Manchester and England.
Not all of the United fans have the chance to be at Old Trafford Stadium. Most of them support the team from home, watching on television from thousands kilometers away. Some people call them not a real fans. I’m one of these fans who live far away from Manchester, and in my whole time of supporting United, I have always wanted to be at a game, to watch them, to feel the passion at the stadium. But I haven’t been at Old Trafford yet. That doesn’t mean I’m not a real supporter. Going to games doesn’t make you a real fan. That’s just a small part of the word called “fan”. To be a “fan” means to cry with your team, to celebrate with them…to believe in them every second. To feel the passion even from a thousand kilometres.
To be a fan is a way of living. This is my way of living. I’m a fan of Manchester United. I’m a fan of the champions of England. I won’t stop supporting them just because I live far away and can’t go to their games. I’ll keep supporting them like I do now. I’ll be in a bad mood when they lose. I’ll celebrate when they win like it’s my birthday.
For people like me is not all about going to games. People like me want to be at Old Trafford more then anyone else. And believe me when I finally walk out to “The Theatre Of Dreams” , I won’t leave the stadium until the last second of the game passes, no matter what the result of the game is. I want to tell to all the people who have the chance to be at the stadium – never leave before the end of the game.. you are lucky to be there, trust me!
You might be right. I can’t fully support my team from another country. I can’t sing from my home because the players won’t hear me, but I’m doing just that. Who do you think you are to say who is fan and who’s not? Even far away from Manchester, I’m doing everything for United. Because United is my everything. I’ll give my life for one second at Old Trafford. I’ll give my life to feel the emotions at the stadium. I want it with all my heart and one day my dream will come true. Simply, because I always believe. Believe in my team and in my dreams.
Never give up people.Never stop believing in yourself & in your dreams. It's a matter of time your dream to come true,but only if you really want it.
With this blog I don't want to judge anyone or say what the fans have to be. In this blog im saying what the word fan means to me.Means MY LIFE.
With love , one fan from Bulgaria.
Sorry for my english , still study.

Mitko how ride bus № 19 in Manchester?
- Great. It was cool. Very nicely done. Minus that the weather was bad. But that does not prevent so many people to come out on the streets and celebrate with us this title. You saw it alone. It was great. I had never had a parade. Only Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes from all of us were experienced in 1999 after winning the treble. Now the other had an amazing experience with a historic 19-title.
- Though often attacked from all sides, this time all the fans stood by your side. Sing for you, chanting your name, screaming that they love and that u should stay. How did you feel listening to them?
- These things make me feel uncomfortable. I'm not used to. Although there were good songs and cheers at my address. I really was uncomfortable, but it and make me feel proud that people appreciate what we did this year. And what I did help to the team. I guess every player becomes a little uncomfortable. Because we monitor reactions as they start to sing to someone. And everyone starts making fun of something that one you sing. But it is cool and pleasant.
- But in the case and your team-mate Patrice Evra did not stop singing for you ...
- This in turn is another example. He didint stop. At the end he had no voice to speak. But he is most entertaining. And because he thinks he is a singer, so do not let the microphone.
- But for the other in United, Evra shouted only names, while he composing songs about you..
- (Laughs). This is because we are in close relationships and we are great friends. Therefore, it is constantly fooling. It was a little uncomfortable, but very cool.
- After you won the title, in Internet video which became hit someone interviewed you &Evra suddenly appeared and began to introduce you as the greatest goalscorer. Who shot him?
- Rio Ferdinand shoot it. I think it was on his site. Rio took interviews of all teammates - each to say something about the title. And come to me. It was a very impromptu. Suddenly appeared and Evra. I looked at him and pretty and I dare.
- First Bulgarian with the "Golden Boot" in England - what it means for you?
- I am very proud of that fact. Since im coming from a small country in England, where every time every workout, every game you have to be above others, because your stranger. To become top scorer in England with the "Golden Boot" is a great thing for me. We'll cherish forever. Achieved is quite difficult, deprivation and suffering. But in the end rewarding.
- Which of all your goals is the most valuable?
- All are cool. Of course, we can not mark hat-trick against Liverpool. I hope this will remain in the hearts of all fans of Manchester. To score three goals in Liverpool is a great achievement. And fans constantly remind me so that I can not forget it. Especially the second goal. It ranks among the finest my best technique made hits. And I was very proud after this match.
- Do u tremble in the last game with Blackpool "that Tevez can score and u can miss the" Golden Boot "?
- As I am thrilled and Carlos was I guess. Then I watched - and he misses, misses, and I - misses, misses ... So get - split the prize. The matters at the end is that we win a record 19 title om Manchester United &Bulgarian is top striker in England. What more can I want? I really felt very happy after the tournament. Things ran perfectly. One big disappointment last. But it was written.
- Let us clarity on what a big disappointment last. Many writings and stories. You say - where u was watching the Champions League final at Wembley?
- It is normal for people to come up with after not seeing me in the stands. is normal to think that I am not the stadium. The truth is that I was in the locker room. And watching the game on TV. I was just disappointed. And I was ashamed that I am not in the group. So I did not want people to see me how I was and how sad i was. Because i hardly hide my emotions. So I preferred to stay alone and watch the match from the dressing room.
- When u realized that u will be reserve? At the official training u was beaming ...
- Before the match. The manager then tells the group. Notify me from his decision.I left very disappointed. But you can not do anything. You must accept it. So - I stayed in the locker room, watched the match ... After the loss still remained in the locker room and wait to see what Sir Alex said.
- Even at the press conference at Wembley after 3:1 for "Barca" theme № 2 after losing the Champions League trophy was "Berbatov" Sir Alex told you something about this?
- No. The biggest disappointment of all was missed Champions League. But Sir himself admitted in the locker room that Barcelona have overtaken us. I guess all they saw. Deservedly won, although very nice goal scored by Rooney. But Barcelona was one class above us. Everyone in the dressing room it recognized, but this does not prevent us from still sorry. We were well prepared, but against this team is really difficult to play.
- Did you talk to Sir Alex exclusively with you after the game?
- No. Dont have for what. This is his personal decision. I was really disappointed and hurt a lot. And I'm sure the other guys of the team was hurted a lot like me. But I could not do anything. Sorry that Bulgaria could not see me in the finals ,sorry that Bulgaria couldnt be happy, or to cry with me ... But everything was over. Everyone now makes his findings so why, why the team fell, why Berbatov was not in the group. But already told you why - it is considered the coach. But there's always next year. While playing football, one of my fights will be to take this cup. And basically I have to take it. But the biggest disappointment in general was that after the match i went to the bus and one person passed by me. I was thinking about something & in one momenti look at the person & saw he was carrying the cup.Do you understand me - the cup passed & he carries it . And im talking to myself- only so close will pass by me. It was like I'm in a movie. Pass and wear it casually, and he, the man certainly does not suspect this that i want to take it so much/- Do you believe that you will get a fourth chance for the Champions League final?
- Sure. Why can not believe. Evra has four finals. And before the game told me: "Now if I lose the final third ..." Because there were two lost and one won. Already with three defeats. Although I'd give everything to be on his place, at least to have won one Cup. I will give everything to have another chance. But even if it did not happen, at least I had the opportunity to play two finals. No room for complaint.
- Changed Do you plans after May 28, 2011?
- No. I am a player of Manchester United and I am happy to fulfill the contract. Everyone have any difficulties, but I've always fought and will fight for a starting place. If I am a man who refused would never come to Manchester United. I never quit in life. July 4th is coming and startl all over again - fight for all the titles, the fight for starting role.
- After the final at Wembley BBC wrote, "Thank you and goodbye, Dimitar. What to write "24 Hours"?
- It is normal to write so after having thought that I was not at the stadium. After the match, Sir Alex also said that I was in the stadium. why not believe him? Why do you think is lying? You what to write? I'm a footballer of Manchester and I am happy to fulfill my contract! At United, I have many happy moments, we became champions for the 19 th time. And as I said in the clip of Rio after 19 comes 20. Right? To became a champion and top scorer does not mean we should stop here. I want more success. The team is great, the games are many - for eveyone will have scene. I want to be healthy.
- In an interview after last season I wished u 20 goals. Once you will stay and fight, i wish you 30 for the 2011/2012 season at Manchester United?
- (Laughs). It's true I wanted 20 goals. And it took that camp. Obviously when a person believes in himself, is formed. Even if one day you are talking with your friends. They were watching a film about positive thinking in the life of man. And once he had nothing to do here. I sat and watched it. Taking over, and you were thinking. I sat down and wrote on a piece - I want to be top scorer for England, to take the "Golden Boot" and become champions. And they even took that became those things. Well, I wrote and Champions League, but it did not happen. So i strongly believe that i will become a scorer and we will be champions, it has become. I believe and the Champions League but did not get. This does not reduce my enthusiasm for next year.
- How about your contract with Manchester United?
- It's about another year. And I'm excited to run it despite the disappointment suffered. The pain of Wembley could not refuse me, and further motivates me.
- Sir Alex has not come to tell you "break up"?
- No, no. If people decide that I needed them, will come after the end of my last year and will say: "Berbatov, continue for another year." And will not come now. I do not know people for where they hurry. I have my contract and my desire is to stay. This is Manchester United. Competition often takes out even more good performances on the pitch.
- Many Bulgarians have reacted emotionally after Wembley and their view is no longer important for any club play. What will tell the gentleman from Manchester?
- Why is not important for any club play? Because now you do not like Sara? (Laughs). All kidding aside. I've always aspired to higher goals. And my arrival in Manchester was the highest step for me. After Manchester "everything is down. And that moment will come when I would say: Thank you for everything, we are no longer needed. But now I'm a footballer for Manchester and my desire is to stay to help the 20 th title that will follow. I'm sure.
- What joy you more - to carry the "Golden Boot" at home or to see where the golden smile Dea?
- You can not compare family and profession. And both these things are my dear. In printsipsemeystvoto with a child that got me out first. Football is not just a second, but put it out there after the family. I am no longer the first youth and so glad that more of the goals I set myself, I've checked the. Remains a few. Then I finish playing, I'll do it with a smile on his face, to tell you honestly. And I say: "Everything is okay, as I wanted."
- Have you been this year fatherly things that have so far been unknown to you?
- I'm already familiar with everything. Full spec I am in this field. Which did amuse me. Having come back from training, you had a hard day or something you went, diversity at home to deal with the child, they landed. Forget about problems.
- And after Wembley so you land?
- Yes at all. With the family and friends. They were the match and after I saw them because I needed to talk from the male side closest to hear what they think. So - share with the nearest, the next day you are slightly better, but after a while you pass. And focused on the next challenge.